At Anderson Family Dentistry, we are dedicated to restoring and enhancing the strength, appearance and functionality of your teeth with high-quality dental crowns. Dental crowns, often simply called “teeth caps,” are custom-fitted covering that encases the entire tooth surface, restoring it to its original shape and size. Crowns are an ideal solution for teeth that have been broken, weakened by decay or have significant fillings, providing a durable protective layer and improving the overall appearance of your smile.

The Dental Crown Process

The procedure for placing a crown typically involves two visits to our office. During the first visit, the tooth is carefully prepared by removing any decay and shaping the surface to properly fit the crown. An impression is then taken to create a detailed model of your tooth, which is used to craft your custom crown, ensuring a perfect fit and bite alignment. A temporary crown is placed to protect the tooth while your permanent crown is being made. On your second visit, the temporary crown is removed, and your new crown is carefully fitted, adjusted, and then cemented into place for a long-lasting, beautiful finish.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

Benefits of dental crowns include:

  • Restoring the function and strength of damaged teeth
  • Improving the cosmetic appearance of your smile
  • Offering a long-term solution with durability and longevity
  • Protecting teeth from further decay, infection, or damage
  • Custom-made to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth for a seamless look

Schedule an Appointment

Dental crowns represent our commitment to providing comprehensive dental care that not only addresses immediate concerns but also protects your oral health for the future. If you believe you could benefit from a dental crown, or if you have any questions about this procedure, our dentist and team are here to provide you with the information and care you need. Schedule your appointment with Dr. Tyson Anderson by calling today at 804-744-1280 to discuss how dental crowns in Midlothian, Virginia, can restore the beauty and functionality of your smile.

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